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Van to Camper conversion - vanlife living in a van


Updated: Jan 21, 2022

Living in a rolling home, travelling the world for months is the desire of many, although for the majority this will stay as an unfulfilled dream due to the lack of courage.

The truly determined, who transform a bought van into their dream motorhome themselves. In this case, they have to be designer, joiner, electrician and a gas man at the same time.

Motorhome users have two groups: those, who only want to live like this for one or two weeks and those, who are on the way for several months every year and like that travelling with a motorhome transforms into a lifestyle for them.

An interesting question too, that in such a tight space, where almost every square centimetre has to be used, with the narrowing of the living space and without home’s used to comfort, how would, for example, a relationship go, during months of travelling. Relationships will break up or get stronger.

It’s worth to expect that this isn’t a classical dream trip, where you can enjoy the service laid back, carefreely rest and experience will come on a silver plate.

One of the biggest part of the planning and so the difficulties alpha and omega is “where do we stop?”, “where to park?” question.

This is because the continuous parking of motorhomes (lasting 1 or more days) is not allowed everywhere. In many cases, this is not forbidden by any sign, but either the locals do not take a good look at this lifestyle or the local policeman finds us saying that it would be better if we were more away. Fortunately - as the motorhome community has grown into a fairly large camp internationally, there are several links to map information to help you decide which already tried by others parking space (with pictures) you want to use, you can also get information about what services are available or recommended by others.


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