If you love historical places, don't miss a visit to this town. Svetvincenat is located 16 km from Vodnjan, where you can admire the masterpieces of Venetian architecture and enjoy the beauty of nature and taste the local cuisine.
September: 77-86 ºF
Meals in cheaper restaurants: from 6£
domestic beer 2£ cappuccino: 1£
The main tourist attraction is the impressive Grimani Castle, which dates back to 1589, when it was bought and restored by Marino Grimani of Venice. Unfortunately it was burnt down in 1945 and remained in this state until 1990, when it was completely restored. Svetvincenat's rich cultural heritage with number of churches and buildings, such as the church of St. Vince, which is mainly visited for its famous frescoes, and the church of St. Catherine in the Renaissance square. But active people will also find plenty of fun, with a wide range of medieval activities to try in the city, such as archery and escaping from a medieval escape room.